Sri M Said..

Slowly, word spread that ‘there is a Great Being in Shirdi’. When people went to Him and said, “ These are my problems, please help us”.  He would say, “Allah Malik Hai,” or “Ram, Ram”. So no one could really say whether He was a Muslim or a Hindu or a Christian. You see, at one time, He would say, “Allah Malik Hai”, and at another time He would say, “Ram, Ram”. So His basic message was to unite, to bring people together, because Allah and Ram to Him were the same, although we call God by different names.

Sri M Said…

Most of the benefit derived from Sai Baba was through Satsang. The Satsang used to be sometimes by touch, sometimes by talk, sometimes by sight. And the teaching of Baba was also very strange. He never taught people by talking of Upanishads or philosophy or Gita or anything. He just talked to them from the ordinary ways of life. And in every action and in every experience His devotees had with Him, He proved that He was not confined to the physical body – that the physical body that they saw was not ‘Baba’. It was only for the time being, a Center, from which that Supreme Body was operating – that’s all!

Sri M Said…

Many people considered Sai Baba to belong to the ‘Nath Panth’. There are many who used to call Him ‘Sai Nath’. But actually, even though He had a dhuni, a chimta and behaved like a Nath, He was too great a Spiritual Force to be bracketed by any ‘Panth’. There are people who believe that He belonged to the Kabir Panth.

Sri M Said…

I have told you that the message He (Sai Baba) wanted to convey was the total unity of all religions. So, He did a very strange thing. While living in a broken mosque, everyday He conducted the ritual of lighting a lamp or two there. Now, you know, nobody lights lamps in the evening in a mosque generally. He not only lit a lamp, but He said, “From now on, this broken down mosque will be called ‘Dwarka Mai’. From that time, the broken – down mosque is called ‘Dwaraka Mai’.

Sri M Said…

Here was a prime example of a Manifestation of the Supreme Being in the form of a poor ‘Fakir’. To all intents and purposes, He looked like a poor Fakir, and yet, He taught the unity of not only Vedanta and the Hindu scriptures, but He also pointed out that the Essential Reality of all Humanity is One! This was the main message of Sai Baba.

Sri M Said…

There is no doubt in my mind, from the experiences that I have in my ‘Sadhana’, from the contacts or the connections that I have with the Sai Baba of Shirdi – and also, from what I know, having been taught by my Master, that, in Shirdi at one time, there was a Manifestation of a very important Aspect of the Supreme Being, with the express purpose of bringing about unity of religions and making the human-kind understand the greatness of the ‘Sadhana of Bhakti’. So, this was the manifestation with the special purpose of bringing about unity among human beings on the basis of the Inner Self.

Sri M Said…

The spark (of consciousness) as individuality – When it merges with the universal, then there is an individuality, but it is not a limited individuality. It is an individuality of universal consciousness. At no place does one become blank and lose one’s awareness. And at no point one feels, “I work very hard to use my awareness”, “No! I won’t lose my awareness.”

Sri M Said…

When I wake up in the morning – the first thing that I recognize is that I exist. And then the world exists. I see everything around. But first that feeling that ‘I am’, that awareness that ‘I am consciousness’ bereft of ‘I am this’ or ‘I am that’ or ‘I am doing this’ or ‘I am doing that’ in its pure form is what we mean by the ‘atman’.